
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Free Associating with Ryan Gosling!

This is taken verbatim from my conversation with a friend over this recent momentous Gosling news. I can be very random, but I'm completely enjoying all of the insane places my mind has been going to since this incident. Trashy fan fiction here I come!

Just imagine you're walking into traffic listening to your headphones, blasting the Ke$ha without a care in the world just walking right into traffic...and then suddenly a warm large hand grabs you by the arm and yanks you to the curb...
its comforting...
its exciting...
you don't even understand what just happened and all you see is...
a face looks up at you...
breathing heavily, kind of scared himself
with those ridiculous blue doe eyes...
and says 'hey, easy there'
try and not to have a full on party in your lady parts...
if he did that to me, it would be in vain because i would faint and hit my head on the curb and die anyway...
but it's nice to have the fantasy... 
The only man better than Ryan Gosling was Paul Newman...Ryan Gosling is the new Paul Newman...Ryan Gosling should PLAY Paul Newman in the movie about his life...I'd watch the shit out of that...
i bet his breath smells like roses...
and his hands are like super soft...
not women's hands soft just that right kind of manly soft...
This would make for a great porn premise ...
But I think Gosling would fight that...
If he ever did porn I'd lose respect for him...
But i'd still watch it, are you kidding me?
 Is Ryan Gosling still Mormon...because i'm pretty sure he's Jesus.
I'm telling you he's Jesus...
..would that make him mormon Jesus...
Then his name would be Ryan Godling...
I'm sure I'm the first one to come up with that...

To be continued...

Oh and just for shits and giggles i'm posting some stuff from Gosling's early years. I'm not even going to front, I totally used to record Young Hercules on VHS back in the day. I never missed an episode.

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