
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Spotlight On: Allison Harvard: A Cause Célèbre

Tyra Banks and the producers of the TV juggernaut America's Next Top Model (2003- present) have answered our prayers and done an all-stars season that is now nearing it's highly anticipated finale with the three finalists being Lisa D'Amato, season 5's hot mess and former alcoholic now breaching her 30's (that's retirement in model years), Angelea Preston known as '716' for her street style and ghetto demeanor, and nearly unanimous favorite from season's passed, Allison Harvard who lost the title in cycle 12, and gained almost instantaneous fan support. 
Let me first try to describe Allison Harvard to those of you who don't watch the show. She's 23, from a small town in the middle of nowhere, and fundamentally weird. During her first appearance on ANTM she told Tyra that she had a fascination with blood and bloody noses in particular. She has the biggest doe-eyes anyone has ever seen, and though incredibly introverted and awkward can model like nobody's business consistently impressing panel with her unique pictures. 
She seems to have no idea what she's doing but once the shutter starts clicking she produces, it's almost shocking. And she's taken some of the best photos in ANTM history. She's definitely this cycle's fan favorite and the internet is bound to explode with pandaemonium if she doesn't get retribution and come out victorious this time. I suppose we all want her to win because she personifies that type of beauty that is unconventional and uses her strange look not as a crutch but as an asset, and it works brilliantly for her. In a nutshell, her appeal is that she doesn't look like most supermodels, and it's refreshing. It's different, and that's what the industry craves. 
Here's the gist, she looks like a porcelain doll with a dark goth sexual undertone that is intriguing, frightening, and totally unique. She almost reminds me of like a Victorian Era ghost woman that haunts your attic and cries a lot, but in a fabulous and sexy way, if that makes any sense (probably doesn't). But I can't really do her justice, here are some of her photos from both this cycle and her initial cycle.

I can't remember which photo shoot this was from, but I love it. It's the classic 'Allison' face. 
Simple, beautiful, and captivating. 
Her demeanor doesn't give any indication that she can take pictures like this. There's a confidence and sexuality there that is surprising every time.
this was her second photo shoot in cycle 12 when she really started to blow people away and never stopped. 
This was from the current competition where the girls had to pose provocatively with a chili dog. gross? maybe. sexy? as hell. 
In a dress that she was born into. It couldn't suit her better. 
This is the quintessential 'Allison Harvard look' that she is starting to make her brand, the offbeat, childlike, and unsettling model.
This is probably the photo in which she looks the most 'normal' but is still an amazing one, showing her versatility. 
In this photo she's doing what Tyra coined as the 'booty tooch'. I've done it since in every picture I take, it gets annoying. But for her it works so, awesome.
This is my favorite photograph, shot by Tyra herself, where Allison poses as some kind of owl baby scared to leave the nest. I dressed up like this for one Halloween. 
A still from music videos all of the girls had to shoot in this cycle, showcasing her insane and amazing eyes. 
Another conventional shot where she rocked it. She proved that she literally can do no wrong and work with any aesthetic. 
Though it may look like blood, this is actually powder paint that was blown with a straw-like instrument unto her face. It's her most iconic photograph. 

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